Cúnamh Complaints Procedure
Cúnamh operates its own internal complaints procedure.
The process for internal complaints is displayed on the organisation’s website and is on display on the information board in the main reception area.
Making a Complaint
If a Service User, staff member, volunteer or sessional worker has a complaint about a service provided by the Organisation then he/or she is asked to detail their complaint in writing to The Manager of the Organisation, within one month of the incident happening.
All aspects of the complaint will be treated in a confidential manner.
It may not be possible to investigate the complaint effectively after the period of one month. This does not affect the Statutory Rights of the Complainant. The final decision on whether to proceed with a complaint outside of this time period rests with the Chairperson of the Organisation.
If the Complainant does not feel comfortable in bringing the complaint to the Manager; then they may put it in writing to the Chairperson of the Organisation.
Internal Disciplinary Procedures may be enforced whilst the complaint is being investigated.
The Manager or Chairperson will investigate and gather all the appropriate evidence from those concerned; provide a written report and respond to the complaint within 28 days of reaching a decision.
Evidence submitted from all parties concerned will be open and available to all involved. Adjudication may require seeking advice from other Agencies outside of the Organisation.
The Complainant has the right to appeal the decision of the complaint within 28 days. This appeal will be heard by representatives from the Management Committee and representatives from appropriate other Organisations.
All complaints are retained for a period of 7 years and are stored in a box file, clearly labelled and secured in a lockable cabinet. The Cúnamh Office Manager is responsible for its maintenance.
Cúnamh will seek to use any complaints it receives to further improve the delivery of services and procedures.